Left-wing media outlets lose minds over gun ad, disregard basic rules of journalism
Posted by: on 11 Jan, 2018
APOPKA, Fla. – On Sunday, Spike’s Tactical, a Florida-based gun manufacturer, and Pipe Hitters Union, a Texas-based apparel company, released a joint advertisement. Throughout the week, the ad has apparently caused left-leaning media outlets like VICE News and Newsweek to disregard basic journalism ethics like fact-checking for accuracy and maintaining any form of neutrality.
The ad, which depicts a group of violent Antifa protesters armed with weapons, who appear to have just set fire to the city behind them, are charging forward on one side of a barricade, while on the other side, there are four lawfully armed men standing guard. Their guns are not pointed at the attackers and their fingers are off the triggers.
The dual-page ad is featured in the current issue of SKILLSET Magazine and was designed as part of an annual joint advertisement for RECOIL Magazine by Spike’s Tactical and Pipe Hitters Union for the 2018 SHOT Show convention in Las Vegas.
On Monday, Newsweek fired back at Spike’s by running a one-sided hit piece, and the attacks continued Wednesday when VICE News ran their article.
Newsweek failed to contact Spike’s Tactical and Pipe Hitters Union for comments related to the article, while insinuating to their readership that the companies support neo-Nazis and white supremacy groups.
“Nothing could be further from the truth. As representatives from both of our companies have already gone on record and said multiple times, we absolutely DO NOT condone or support racist or white supremacist organizations or their beliefs,” said Kit Cope, spokesman for Spike’s Tactical
By Wednesday, the left-leaning media company VICE News decided to do a story and reached out to both companies for comment. Without hesitation, Spike’s Tactical and Pipe Hitters Union offered a joint response to address the journalist’s six questions and offered to provide a tour of Spike’s tactical and make someone available for in-person interviews.
When the article ran, however, it was beyond evident that it was yet another attempt to push propaganda and a political agenda.
In the article, VICE News vaguely alleges the companies support neo-Nazis and racism by using a quote from a Facebook commenter in their article.
“VICE asked if our companies support white supremacy, which we clearly stated, again, that we do not,” said Cope said. “Sadly, while there are many great journalists out there who follow journalism ethics and guidelines, the tactic here is often used by pseudo-journalists to tell the side of the story they want to tell.”
By leaving out the companies’ response denying any support for white supremacists, the VICE reporter allows readers to draw the conclusion that these companies support racism, despite having contrary evidence.
“This kind of agenda-driven journalism is exactly the problem. Our biggest complaint is that we’re being called neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and the so-called journalists that have asked us about it, have refused to include our responses categorically condemning neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Again, for the record, we always have and always will adamantly condemn racism, white supremacy and any threat to America, foreign and domestic,” said Lincoln A. Osiris, president of Pipe Hitters Union.
The VICE News article also refers to Spike’s Tactical as a weapons dealer and retailer. Spike’s Tactical is actually a weapons manufacturer.
Additionally, and probably the biggest example of an absolute failure to care about reporting factual information, is the original post that VICE News ran, prior to being contacted to request a correction to their story. VICE News posted a screenshot of a Spike’s Tactical Facebook post showing a picture of a stripped AR-15 lower, but falsely claimed that it was a bump-stock similar to the ones used by the Las Vegas killer.

“This is purely a legitimate example of fake news. Spike’s Tactical has never made or sold a bump-stock. The reporter clearly didn’t care to do the proper research to make sure her story was accurate,” said Kope. “This also demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge about weapons nomenclature and the agenda that VICE had, which was to damage our companies’ reputations by relating us to the homicidal maniac that killed so many innocent Americans.”
About Spike’s Tactical
Spike’s Tactical was founded the day before 9/11 by Mike and Angela Register and is headquartered in Apopka, Florida. The family-owned business employs around 40 people and all products are made exclusively in the USA and assembled in Florida. Spike’s Tactical is regarded as one of the premier AR-15 manufacturers in the world. Their mission is to build the highest quality products and offer them at the best possible price to the consumer. Spike’s Tactical weapons are designed to military specifications for civilian, law enforcement and military use. All products manufactured by Spike’s Tactical feature a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
About Pipe Hitters Union
Pipe Hitters Union is a disabled combat veteran-owned and operated small business, founded in 2004 and headquartered in Austin, Texas. PHU was founded by a small group of special operations combat veterans that shared a common belief in the unity of cause, the willingness to face extreme obstacles head on and the absolute refusal to backdown in the face of adversity. Since then, the message has spread to like-minded individuals from all professions and walks of life. Whether military, law enforcement or civilian, Pipe Hitters throughout the world are pushing their limits daily and making their mark. The PHU brand is a mark of distinction and a call for others to join us.
MEDIA ONLY: Members of the media interested in speaking to someone about this story should contact our PR firm at 813.279.8335 or email news@judgepr.com.